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We encourage curiosity, foster talent and build confidence

Helping students find their own voice

The unique Beaulieu environment is rooted in Gospel Values and the love and care for our students is intrinsic in all we do. The pastoral care and wellbeing of our students is a major priority and all staff members share responsibility for this. Our staff and teachers are committed to taking a holistic view of every student – we know that confident, healthy minds have a thirst for knowledge and a love and appreciation of their community and the wider world around them. Our focus is on the whole child and their individual needs and, as a result, every child has the opportunity to succeed.

An environment where students flourish

  • Our Pre-School provides an inclusive and nurturing environment and introduces the unique Beaulieu ethos that underpins the whole School.

  • Beaulieu Primary continues the Beaulieu journey from Pre-School and provides a unique and nurturing setting for our students and a real sense of belonging.

  • Moving from Primary to Secondary can present a substantial change, but one of the most exciting prospects of Secondary School is the range of new subjects available to study.

  • Sixth Form provides a student-led approach to learning and the opportunity for independent study.

Our Learning Centre

At Beaulieu, we have an established Learning Centre, with dedicated classroom space for the delivery of support sessions, as well as a programme of targeted interventions to support students in literacy and numeracy. Our Head of the Learning Centre and the dedicated team work tirelessly across the whole School, supporting any cognitive, physical, social or emotional needs that may arise and developing specific learning programmes that most effectively meet any requirements. We are also very proud of our ELSA provision (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants), and our fully trained team of eight ELSAs focus exclusively on the wellbeing of the students in our care.

Working closely with our teachers and our Student Services Officers, the Learning Support Team collaborates with our students and their parents to determine the best educational or social programme to aid their success and ensure positive development. We also have strong working relationships with a variety of external agencies to ensure the most appropriate and comprehensive care for our students.

Year 11 Student

‘Thank you so much for helping me understand that I am dyslexic and helping me find ways of coping with it. You always made me laugh and the Learning Centre is such a calm and happy place; I was lucky to be able to learn in it.’