Sixth Form provides a student-led approach to learning and the opportunity for independent study. At this challenging time of decision and choice, a stable and trusted support network is a real asset. Each Sixth Form student is allocated a Personal Tutor and is supported by the Student Services Team, with a dedicated Student Services Officer focusing on their wellbeing. Benefiting from smaller teaching groups, our Sixth Formers regularly enjoy excellent A Level and BTEC results, with students frequently achieving grades at the highest level.
Careers guidance is an integral part of Sixth Form life and we provide our Sixth Formers with work experience relevant to their career aspirations. Our relationships with local businesses are strong and our students remain highly sought after by employers locally. A large proportion of our students choose to go to University and we run a UniPlus group for those needing more tailored support and advice, who may be applying to very popular courses like Medicine and Veterinary Science, or highly sought after Universities, like Oxford.
Click here to view our Sixth Form Options Brochure 2025 – 2027.
Our aim is to ensure all students leave Beaulieu with skills that set them apart and boost their confidence. A range of physical, cultural, creative, mental and emotional activities are on offer to enable our students to learn new skills and develop the whole individual. These range from Mandarin to Mindfulness Training and Critical Thinking to Indoor Climbing! Beaulieu Sixth Form is the place to have fun, work hard and make lifelong friendships. Our students leave as enthused, well-grounded and versatile young adults, resilient and well prepared for the pressures and opportunities of the next stage in their lives.
Emma Preisig, Former Deputy Head Girl